Control your Mind

Control your Mind
Photo by Lesly Juarez / Unsplash

Our mind can be confusing & weird at times. It can wander too far away that might make us forget to make this present moment worth it. Future-thinking thoughts arrive & we end up just visual-planning our entire lives using just our mind. This is good only up to some extent. The bad part is when we let it control us instead of us controlling it. Our mind can lead us to both good & bad actions.

We often ask ourselves, why are there people that conduct such horrible actions? Well, my answer is, it’s because they lack the ability of controlling their minds. You see, what our mind does, is look for short-cuts out of difficult situations; sometimes those shortcuts can be made rashly and cause hurt to others without it even bothering you.

We all know the cliché saying, “Think before you act”.

Well, I want to rephrase that saying into:

“Think thoroughly before you act”.

I think it all depends on what is in our mind diet; if we feed it negative stuffs expect negative results.