The Growth Process

The Growth Process
Photo by Jared Rice / Unsplash

Everything in life takes time to happen. Patience is the main key in the process of achieving your goals. You can’t expect everything you want in life to happen by just clicking your fingers.

“Did you took birth at age 19 or did you went through the growth process of 19 years until you reached the age of 19?”

We all know we have to go through the growth and development process of life until we reach the age we are today. Similarly, in anything we want to achieve in life, we have to pass through the growth process.

You want to reach 5K followers on Instagram; all you need to do is begin by making the first step, keep going consistently and not stress too much over the journey to your goal but enjoy it.

“Remember you need to pass 1 in order to get to a 100; don’t try to scam the process cause you will be fooling yourself and no one else.”