Things to Tick-off at the end of 2024

A practical approach to redefining resolutions in 2024 - breaking big goals into manageable ‘things.’ Join me on this journey to conquer milestones in health, social connections, mindfulness, and career growth.

Hey there, lovely folks! As I'm diving into my very first article for the new year, I just wanted to send some positive vibes your way for an incredible 2024. Here's wishing each of you happiness and success, from my family to yours. Happy 2024!


Now, let's get honest about this whole New Year's resolution thing, shall we? We've all been there – staring at that daunting blank page, trying to conjure up these grand 'Goals' or 'Resolutions.' The truth is, sometimes, they end up stressing us out more than inspiring us. So, for 2024, I'm shaking things up. No 'goals,' no 'resolutions.' Instead, I'm simplifying it all to 'things.' Yep, it’s straightforward and practical. Why? Because it's about breaking down those mammoth tasks into bite-sized chunks, like ticking off items on our never-ending to-do lists. It's about making progress at my own pace, one 'thing' at a time.

In a world that screams, 'Go big or go home,' I'm taking a detour. 'Things' might not sound like a game-changer, but trust me, it's an entirely new perspective. It's about relishing those small victories, pursuing what matters in 2024, and enjoying the journey without the weight of overwhelming expectations.

To keep things manageable, I've split my life into four core areas:

  1. Physical,
  2. Social,
  3. Emotional, and
  4. Skills/Career.

Usually, I'd set massive 'goals' in each section, and that's when the stress creeps in, right? But not this time around. Nope, I’m not falling into that trap. Instead, I've got 'things' mapped out for each zone. It's like breaking down the big picture into smaller, achievable pieces that won't make me feel drowned by deciding where and how to start. Let's dive deeper into each 'thing' I've got brewing in these different areas for 2024.


Now, the physical front – health takes the spotlight. I’m all about keeping tabs on those calories, staying hydrated, and locking in thrice-a-week workouts. It’s a commitment to my well-being, aiming for that healthy balance to power through the year. The past year, my health took a turn for the worst, and it opened my eyes enough to make this a priority for 2024. I am not going to get all heavily motivated, so much so that after a week of chasing those ‘things’, I get all burnt out and then choose to eat whatever I want in front of the TV. My approach to this is casual yet still disciplined.

Every night, I must log what I ate during the day and have a visual of how many calories I burnt during my scheduled workouts. This will help me plan the upcoming week. It’s not all about eating and exercising, but we must keep our bodies hydrated, especially with the heat we had in 2023. After a few days of sipping some water every hour or so, I tend to feel a little more energised, and then there’s that glow on my skin, which is enough to keep me going.


Moving over to the social scene! It’s time to hit the movies, reconnect with friends, and step out of my comfort zone. Ever since the pandemic, I haven’t been out much, and the days when I do, I can feel the stress leaving my body, and the coming days are much more lively. Plus, I’m making it a point to capture more memories through pictures – after all, memories fade, but pictures are forever! It’s not that alone… I’ve been going through my Photo gallery, and my goodness, I have more screenshots than anything else saved there, and it is a bit of a bummer.


Now, diving deeper into the emotional zone, along with journaling, I’ve set my sights on practising more mindfulness in 2024. It’s about finding those moments of calm in the chaos, being present, and nurturing a more centred and grounded self amidst the whirlwind of life. Recently, I’ve discovered that I tend to overthink stuff a lot, and then I go spiralling and lose sight of what’s real and what’s made up in my head. The past year, I’ve started journalling, but for some unknown reason, I stopped, and my entries were very nostalgic to re-read a year later. It feels nice to reminisce on what happened a year or two ago. From previous experiences, journaling helps me to clear my mind.


Moving over to skills and career – it’s a juggling act, but I’m up for the challenge. I’ve got a whole lineup of ‘things’ here. First off, I’m diving into a course on Coursera or Skillshare. I don’t know which course I will be taking yet, but for now, it will have to do with something like ‘Creative Writing’. Lifelong learning, right? Then, it’s all about consistent writing, aiming for at least one piece each week, so make sure you’re following me here to read all the good stuff when I publish them. Furthermore, I’m leaping to broader horizons, planning to publish in more Medium publications and kick-start an email newsletter, hoping to happen before the year is out cause, remember, it’s all about tackling one ‘thing’ at a time.


There you have it! A brief breakdown of what’s going to happen in 2024 for me. It’s all about growth, exploration, and sharing insights along the way. As I set sail into 2024 with a new mindset of focusing on 'things' instead of overwhelming goals, I feel a sense of liberation and excitement for the journey ahead. The decision to simplify and break down my aspirations into manageable 'things' feels empowering. Each area of my life — Physical, Social, Emotional, and Skills/Career — has its set of 'things,' a roadmap that won't drown me in tasks but guides me toward steady progress. Health, social connections, mindfulness, and professional growth are my focal points. By embracing this approach, I'm not just chasing achievements; I'm savouring the process, relishing small victories, and sharing the journey's insights.

Here's to a year of growth, exploration, and the joy of ticking off these 'things' one step at a time. Stay tuned for more updates and discoveries along this path because I may write another article along the way to share how I am using Technology to help tick these ‘things’ off, so see ya then!

Thanks a bunch for checking out this content and for sharing your thoughts, experiences, and feedback. Your attention and support mean the world to me and keep me inspired to keep creating awesome and informative stuff. I hope this article has been helpful and eye-opening, and I can't wait to share more with you down the road. If you need to reach me, check out my landing page with all my social links, and feel free to shoot me an email (for business stuff only, though).

Until then, take care and stay safe!