To Risk, Conquer, and Learn — That is Life.

I learnt that if you don’t try; you will never know if that was your destiny or be able to learn something valuable from that experience.

To Risk, Conquer, and Learn — That is Life.
Photo by Aziz Acharki / Unsplash

Last week, I’ve learnt a very valuable lesson. I’ve always been skeptical of trying out new things… I am either afraid or just too lazy to embark on such adventures. But, in my own experience, I’ve been proven wrong. I learnt that if you don’t try; you will never know if that was your destiny or be able to learn something valuable from that experience.

So, don’t be like me… go and embark on new adventures; take those risks cause when you’re taking your last breath, you shouldn’t have any regrets about your life. It’s simple… enjoy doing something continue pursuing it; don’t enjoy then make it enjoyable at least that one time maybe it would change your perspective and would become the most favorable moment of your life.